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Today, in Cape Town and London, there’s a celebration going on. A new name, a new brand, a new look and feel is being unveiled for a dynamic strategic accounting firm. Disclaimer: they’re a client of ours đŸ™‚

A few years ago Lauren Summerton launched a company focussing on small to medium sized companies, with a particular focus on start-ups. She called it ‘About Finance‘. A perfect name for a business who’s focus was to oversee the financial bits and pieces of her clients leaving them to get on with the activities they started their business to do. Running your finances well is critical for the success of any business, but very few people start a business so they can spend large amounts of time managing those finances.

A little bit down the road, a university friend of hers, Carmen Dell, joined her as a partner in About Finance. Carmen married a UK based human person, and it became obvious for them to continue to leverage the great working dynamic they had developed and set up an operation in London.

By this time they were being pulled in by their clients to do more than just finance. There was strategy, and advisory services that clients were asking for, and Lauren and Carmen felt that perhaps it was time to look at their own strategy to see if they needed to alter some of who they were, and what they were doing? During this time, a third partner came on board, in the shape of Chloe Blumberg.

Lauren Summerton, Chloe Blumber, Carmen Dell

Lauren Summerton, Chloe Blumberg, Carmen Dell

Of course, we think it was a sign of their incredible skill, experience and gut feel that they asked Calidascope to see if we could help them create a new look and feel, in line with what they had become and where they wanted to go, that would excite them.

As we do, there’s no moving forward on any project until we’ve taken the time to get into the heads and hearts of our clients. We spent hours and hours with their team to extract the magic that makes them who they are. We then got our design team involved, and with much backwards and forwardsing, a new name, look and feel was born.

Well done to Lauren, Carmen and Chloe on the launch today of Decimal Point…

decimal point accounting service outsource finance cape town london summerton dell blumberg

As they describe it on their website:

In the world of facts and figures, a decimal point creates order amongst numbers. It may be a small character on a keyboard, but it plays a critical and powerful role in making sense of those numbers. That’s what we do, and it’s the role we strive to fulfil each and every day for our clients.

If you’re a growing business looking for dynamic and skilled outsourced partners to bring order to your finances, drop them a line. You don’t even have to be based in Cape Town or London. I know they have clients that span the entire country.