#CrayonProject, Creativity, Disruption, Innovation, Play
My entire life I’ve spent avoiding, and then if not successful, escaping boredom. As I reflect on this many years down the track, it seems a completely irrational fear of something I didn’t fully understand. How can you understand something you’ve...
#CrayonProject, Creativity, Disruption, Innovation, Play
In 2010 in an IBM Global CEO study creativity was highlighted as the most Important Leadership skill by 1 541 CEOs, general managers, and senior public sector leaders who represent different sizes of organizations in 60 countries and 33 industries. Chief executives...
#CrayonProject, Creativity, Innovation, Play
So, is Creativity declining? The short answer is yes. It has been in America since 1990. From 1990 to 2008 there has been a steady decline in creativity in the US, according to research conducted by Kyung Hee Kim at the College of William & Mary. While I couldn’t...
Creativity, Play, The Crayon Project
I have a personal interest in understanding ‘creativity’. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been an outsider. I’m careful not to call myself an outlier in case you think I’m putting myself in Malcolm Gladwell’s category of...
#CrayonProject, Creativity, Leadership, Organisational Development
I smiled this morning as I opened an article sent to me by a new colleague. The article started with the following question… How do you foster innovation across a continent of 54 countries, where more than 2,000 languages are spoken by a billion people? Great...
Customer Experience, Innovation, Trends
One of the promises of the Internet was to empower peer to peer commerce. To share the wealth around. Win some of it back from the big box stores and their invisible shareholders, and enrich and self-employ anyone who wanted to start a business. The internet dream...
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